B-58 EDF with plans

The B-58 is a foam sheet and balsa constructed model designed for either ducted fan power or the more affordable pusher prop. The model has no landing gear and slides on the nacelles like a floatplane. This weight savings enables the model to be hand launched by a fellow modeler or bungee launched. The construction method is recommended to the Balsa scratch builder due to the very similar construction method. Specs: Span. 40 inches, length 67 inches. Flying weight is four pounds. The prop version uses a pair of Mega 16/15/5 motors, 35 amps ESC and a 36oo three-cell lipoly battery.Ducted fan . . . 55 mm fan unit with a 2409H-7T out runner. Two 60 amp ESC s and a 4 cell 2500 mah lipo battery. The plastic package contains: Four nacelles (eight parts in all). Two Landing gear fairings and a pilot figure. One cockpit face / mask. A one-piece clear plastic canopy attaches to the foam fuselage so your model can have windows.


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  • Model: B-58 EDF W/Plans

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