Wing span 101 inches Length 75 inches Featured in Model Airplane News November 2003. Foam construction   The Model  is intended to be a floatplane only design but has been outfitted with wheels by many modelers. It has also been converted to electric power. This model is at home in any sized lake and does some of the most graceful touch and goes seen due to it s hull design and its slow landing speed. Additional information is available by contacting me by E-mail. Specs: Wing span & 8 Ft. 6 inches; Fuselage length..6 Ft. 3 inches; Wing area..1177 Sq. in; Weight (RTF)...16 Lbs; Engines required ..0.52 Four Stroke or .40 Two Stroke; Fuel capacity& 12oz. x 2; Radio..Four Channels Required; Servos..5 Standard 1 High Torque. The plastic parts available for this design are. Cockpit and Interior with Seats, instrument panel and aft bulkhead; Cockpit canopy; Nose turret and interior; Dorsal turret and interior; Tail turret with interior; Two cowls, clear .040 plastic. Very few wood parts are needed to complete this model so there is no laser cut parts available.


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  • Model: PBM-PSK