Dynam PBY Catalina

This upgrade kit fits the Dynam PB Catalina. It comes with an improved belly pan made with .030 clear plastic and features raised strakes for better on the water handling and to get you "on step" sooner. Two cowls with a closer to  scale motor molded in the front. More defined cowl flaps and the oil cooler missing from the kit. You also get a replacement canopy with better, more defined panel lines. The aft observers globes are included too so you can modify your model with the included flight crew.

There are no instructions on this site for this kit because it is so straight forward.
However , Instructions for assembling and painting the flight crew is under the parkflyerplastics banner.
I'm going to suggest that the belly pan should be lightly sanded on the inside, painted with white primer then bonded in place with polyurethane glue.       


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  • Model: Dynam PBY Catalina